Legislature makes strides, Boyden will seek another term

Since the session wrapped up, I have spent much time reflecting on the past biennium and my time serving in the Vermont House representing Cambridge and Waterville. This has been a heavy role, as well as a rewarding experience.

I thought often about the representatives who came before me and those who will come after me. There is an immense amount of responsibility that rests on all of us as we stand up and speak in the chamber and in committee. I frequently put party politics aside and reflected on my roots within our community and the many conversations I’ve had while going door to door, at town meeting or when approached while buying groceries. Vermonters’ best interests are served when each legislator represents the diverse viewpoints in their communities.

This session, the Legislature made large strides in addressing Vermont’s child care system, housing, Act 250 reform, public safety, data protection, access to health care, flood recovery and so much more. Despite the various challenges throughout the biennium, a lot has been accomplished and, as always, there is still more work to be done to ensure that every corner of our state is a vibrant place where Vermonters are proud to call home.

As we look toward the next biennium, meaningful solutions need to be developed to address some of Vermonters’ largest concerns about taxes, education, climate change, substance use and addiction, housing and many other topics. These will never be easy discussions or decisions, but your involvement and voice can help drive meaningful development.

Over the last two years, I have listened, learned and communicated locally and within the Statehouse. I have built strong relationships and guided legislation between committees and through both chambers. Additionally, I have valued the voices of our rural communities and worked to amplify them. Thank you for being a part of a community that I am so happy to call home.

Looking to the future, I am pleased to share that I am seeking re-election to continue serving Waterville and Cambridge in the Vermont House. I look forward to connecting with you once again and continuing conversations door to door on how we can develop meaningful solutions that work for all Vermonters. It has been an honor to serve Cambridge and Waterville and I hope to continue doing so in the future.

News & Citizen


The 2024 Legislative Session has Adjourned