Boyden will be ready on day one in Montpelier

I am enthusiastically supporting Lucy Boyden to be our representative in the Lamoille-3 district. She has shown that she will represent us well in Montpelier. Boyden has experience in the Legislature as a legislative page, and later as an intern while she was in high school. Because of this background, she will be able to start working for us on day one. She will not need to spend time learning how the Legislature works. As a high schooler, Boyden was a student representative to the school board. As a board member, I have seen her competence first-hand.

Boyden has shown that she is dedicated to her future constituents as she has gone door to door, visiting many homes in our district. She has engaged in meaningful conversations at her various meet and greet events, she is a good, respectful listener and she responds respectfully to all who ask her questions.

Boyden is knowledgeable of the issues that our community faces. Growing up and working on a very successful farm, she understands the importance of agriculture to our state. She has gained valuable experience and knowledge from her family, which has a long history of community service and service on local boards. Now she is stepping forward to continue this tradition.

I hope that you will join me in voting for Lucy Boyden to represent the Cambridge and Waterville communities in Montpelier.

Jan Sander


News and Citizen


Boyden inspires trust and passion