Lucy Boyden Lucy Boyden

Boyden will be ready on day one in Montpelier

I am enthusiastically supporting Lucy Boyden to be our representative in the Lamoille-3 district. She has shown that she will represent us well in Montpelier. Boyden has experience in the Legislature as a legislative page, and later as an intern while she was in high school. Because of this background, she will be able to start working for us on day one.

I am enthusiastically supporting Lucy Boyden to be our representative in the Lamoille-3 district. She has shown that she will represent us well in Montpelier. Boyden has experience in the Legislature as a legislative page, and later as an intern while she was in high school. Because of this background, she will be able to start working for us on day one. She will not need to spend time learning how the Legislature works. As a high schooler, Boyden was a student representative to the school board. As a board member, I have seen her competence first-hand.

Boyden has shown that she is dedicated to her future constituents as she has gone door to door, visiting many homes in our district. She has engaged in meaningful conversations at her various meet and greet events, she is a good, respectful listener and she responds respectfully to all who ask her questions.

Boyden is knowledgeable of the issues that our community faces. Growing up and working on a very successful farm, she understands the importance of agriculture to our state. She has gained valuable experience and knowledge from her family, which has a long history of community service and service on local boards. Now she is stepping forward to continue this tradition.

I hope that you will join me in voting for Lucy Boyden to represent the Cambridge and Waterville communities in Montpelier.

Jan Sander


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Lucy Boyden Lucy Boyden

Boyden inspires trust and passion

While driving Lucy Boyden door-to-door and joining her for early morning honk and waves, I've felt an overwhelming sense of pride and inspiration in Boyden. She is a local young woman ready to dedicate her life to service, and we are fortunate that she's running to serve in our communities. Boyden is stepping up to work on issues that matter most today and will impact how our children and grandchildren live in this state for years to come.

While driving Lucy Boyden door-to-door and joining her for early morning honk and waves, I've felt an overwhelming sense of pride and inspiration in Boyden. She is a local young woman ready to dedicate her life to service, and we are fortunate that she's running to serve in our communities.

Boyden is stepping up to work on issues that matter most today and will impact how our children and grandchildren live in this state for years to come. She wants to work on climate change. She's a young person living through the housing crisis, like myself and many others. She's committed to working with business owners and farmers to ensure we all have the resources and amenities to thrive here. She sees just how dire our childcare system is in Vermont and is bright enough to realize that without a robust system, several interconnected areas of our livelihood are at risk — including jobs/employment, financial well-being, women's rights and education. She's promised to bring a strong rural voice to Montpelier and represent all of us.

Not only is Boyden ready to work on our behalf, but she is electing to serve during the most formative period of her working years. Her desire to give back to Vermonters displays dedication, passion, selflessness, and courage — all attributes we need in local government.

Only recently was I able to fully comprehend the importance of our state government. I am thankful every day for the representatives who had the foresight to pass Proposal 5, allowing us to vote to amend Vermont's Constitution and protect reproductive liberties in Vermont while half of the country is moving in the opposite direction. This is proof that local leaders shape our lives and freedoms, which is why every vote and election matters.

When it comes to putting that kind of trust in a candidate who will shape policies that affect how we live and work in this state, Lucy Boyden is our best choice.

Mary Fafard


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Lucy Boyden Lucy Boyden

Boyden will fight for our communities

I am excited that Lucy Boyden is running for state representative. I’ve known Boyden her whole life. I know she was brought up in a way where she was taught right from wrong and taught to be a good and thoughtful person and respectful of her neighbors.

She is very intelligent and mature, and wise beyond her years. She is down to earth and grounded in this community. When Boyden called me to tell me she was running, I was overjoyed.

I am excited that Lucy Boyden is running for state representative. I’ve known Boyden her whole life. I know she was brought up in a way where she was taught right from wrong and taught to be a good and thoughtful person and respectful of her neighbors.

She is very intelligent and mature, and wise beyond her years. She is down to earth and grounded in this community. When Boyden called me to tell me she was running, I was overjoyed. I immediately arranged to meet her for coffee. I agree with everything she stands for and particularly her support of a woman’s right to choose.

I am 87 years old, and I will forever fight for young women to be involved in politics. We have come so far, but things are still not fully equal, and the vision of a young person is what we need to keep moving us forward.

Lucy Boyden is ready to fight for our community. I know that she will make an excellent representative, and she has my full support.

Jo-Ann Wyckoff


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Lucy Boyden Lucy Boyden

Lucy Boyden will get my vote

I recently had the pleasure of meeting Lucy Boyden when she knocked on my door to introduce herself and chat about her campaign for the Vermont House of Representatives. I quickly got the impression that she is someone that’s got a vast knowledge of the issues that our rural community is currently facing.

I recently had the pleasure of meeting Lucy Boyden when she knocked on my door to introduce herself and chat about her campaign for the Vermont House of Representatives. I quickly got the impression that she is someone that’s got a vast knowledge of the issues that our rural community is currently facing.

Personally, as a longtime resident of both Cambridge and Waterville and someone who has worked in this community for the past 19 years, I have seen a lot of change, some of which has been good and some not so much. I feel Boyden will help continue to move our community forward in a positive direction by standing up for what is most important to the people of Cambridge and Waterville, things like affordable housing, child care, health care, better access to mental health services, increased broadband access, paid family and medical leave and the protection of reproductive rights for all Vermonters.

If affordable housing and child care can be addressed in this community, we all might have a much easier time finding workers to help fill the vacancies we’ve been struggling to fill for the last couple of years.

Because of Lucy Boyden’s willingness to focus on these issues, she has my vote on Nov. 8 and I hope she has yours too.

Christopher Dunn


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Mary Fafard Mary Fafard

Boyden will find fair, equitable solutions

One of the disadvantages of being a town clerk is that, as presiding officer of elections, one cannot publicly share political opinions. Having now completed my term as town clerk and treasurer in Cambridge, I am pleased to endorse the candidacy of Lucy Boyden as our next state representative in the Lamoille-3 House district.

One of the disadvantages of being a town clerk is that, as presiding officer of elections, one cannot publicly share political opinions. Having now completed my term as town clerk and treasurer in Cambridge, I am pleased to endorse the candidacy of Lucy Boyden as our next state representative in the Lamoille-3 House district.

Boyden will bring a fair assessment of important issues to the Vermont House, instead of simply following a political platform and toeing the party line. In her campaign travels she has knocked on over 800 doors in Waterville and Cambridge and spoken personally to 500-plus people. This experience has given her important insights to the opposing views of many issues currently facing our state. By listening to both sides of any issue, she can work collaboratively to truly represent her constituents.

Boyden combines the advantages of growing up locally in a Vermont farm family with an educational background in political science and global marketing communications. This gives her the tools to follow the maxim “think globally, act locally” when she represents us in the Legislature. Many of the global issues we face today deserve fair and equitable local solutions.

We are constantly bombarded by headlines and opinions about school safety, climate disruption, racial and gender equity, education, child care and reproductive rights. All these national issues demand resolution that will benefit and satisfy us on a local level. Boyden will combine core values with inclusive respect to help draft legislation that is fair and equitable to her constituents in Lamoille County.

I will be proud to vote for Lucy Boyden for state representative in the Nov. 8 general election. I hope you will join me, either by early or absentee voting, or in-person at the polls.

Mark Schilling


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Lucy Boyden Lucy Boyden

Lucy Boyden will find solutions to problems

I am asking my neighbors in Cambridge and Waterville to vote for Lucy Boyden for our Vermont state representative. This summer and fall, I have been driving with Boyden from house to house and am continually impressed by her kindness and commitment to our community. She takes time to talk with every resident, and really listens to their concerns.

I am asking my neighbors in Cambridge and Waterville to vote for Lucy Boyden for our Vermont state representative. This summer and fall, I have been driving with Boyden from house to house and am continually impressed by her kindness and commitment to our community.

She takes time to talk with every resident, and really listens to their concerns. She has grown up here and knows almost everyone.

At one house, she spent almost a half hour talking with an elderly couple about living in rural Vermont and feeling isolated with transportation challenges. At another house, a young family was worried about the cost of local child care and rising inflation. Lucy had ideas for how to bring these concerns to state government and is willing to work across the aisle to find real solutions.

As a longtime resident of Waterville, I know she is willing to work hard for our community. Please vote with me for Lucy Boyden on Nov. 8.

April Vanderveer


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Lucy Boyden Lucy Boyden

Lucy Boyden possesses right values for Vermont

Context. Character. Values.

As the former Republican representative from Cambridge, I’ve been asked to support both candidates for our shared House seat with Waterville. I choose Lucy Boyden and here’s why.

In a race where both candidates have only emerging policy or political experience, context, character and values matter most to me. Boyden shares so much with me of what I identify as those of Cambridge and Waterville. It’s through this shared story that her decisions will be informed.

Context. Character. Values.

As the former Republican representative from Cambridge, I’ve been asked to support both candidates for our shared House seat with Waterville. I choose Lucy Boyden and here’s why.

In a race where both candidates have only emerging policy or political experience, context, character and values matter most to me. Boyden shares so much with me of what I identify as those of Cambridge and Waterville. It’s through this shared story that her decisions will be informed.

She knows what it’s like to grow up on a multi-generation Lamoille County farm surrounded by family and community. She knows what it’s like to share a pew with these people and to listen to their coffee-hour talk about issues critical to life in rural Vermont. She knows the value of a dollar whether it goes into the collection plate, the bank account or to invest in the farm, a pony, an education or a business.

Having worked as a kid in not one, but two family agricultural businesses, Boyden knows about tough choices, not just in that sector of the economy but, by extension, how difficult running a business can be in Vermont, period.

Boyden also knows about helping a neighbor through both personal or congregational charity and through community effort. In this knowledge, she’s learned the limits of each, and that, sparingly as possible, it’s only through local, state and federal government efforts that broad equity is truly found and sustained.

She’s learned that only through discipline, efficiency and assay can small, low-margin, high-expense farming be passed from one generation to another, and that for government to be defensible it must also be shrewd with how it deploys its resources and from whom it takes those precious resources to begin with.

These few examples are but strands in the sweater weave of Vermont. When threaded together with her education, passion for her community and her interest in politics, I can’t think of a better person to represent us in Montpelier.

I hope you’ll join me in voting for Lucy Boyden on Nov. 8.

Adam Howard


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Lucy Boyden Lucy Boyden

Boyden will bring hands-on approach

Lucy Boyden has my vote for the Vermont House to represent Cambridge and Waterville.

Boyden is a hardworking, 5th generation Vermonter who will bring a centrist, pragmatic and a consensus-building style to Montpelier.

For Cambridge and Waterville residents, Boyden is ready to step up to be an inclusive leader and will find sustainable solutions for the issues that are critical to both our communities.

Lucy Boyden has my vote for the Vermont House to represent Cambridge and Waterville.

Boyden is a hardworking, 5th generation Vermonter who will bring a centrist, pragmatic and a consensus-building style to Montpelier.

For Cambridge and Waterville residents, Boyden is ready to step up to be an inclusive leader and will find sustainable solutions for the issues that are critical to both our communities.

These issues include rural economic development, affordable housing, broadband, the changing climate and the protection of reproductive liberties. Boyden supports Proposition 5, the constitutional amendment designed to protect the reproductive rights of all Vermonters.

While sustaining what makes our towns so special, Boyden knows we cannot stand still. She will also be a leader for the agricultural community, the small business owner and prioritize job creation — a critical driver to attracting young families to our communities.

To accomplish this, Boyden will bring a hands-on approach — voice of the people style — to Montpelier.

She deeply cares about being connected to all residents of both towns and will serve to make our little corner of the world work for everyone. She is showing this dedication by knocking on every door in the district.

I have seen firsthand how Boyden listens to what we have to say. In fact, just the other night, she had a very productive and very civil conversation with Jeffersonville residents who had her opponent’s signs on their yard. She listened more than she spoke.

Aside from sharing differing views, the resident asked if Boyden would like to speak to local veterans at an upcoming VFW meeting. As they were exchanging contact information, Boyden responded with an enthusiastic yes, showing once again that she wants to engage with all and listen to all views.

Sam Lotto


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