Year 2 Lucy Boyden Year 2 Lucy Boyden

Legislature makes strides, Boyden will seek another term

I have spent much time reflecting on the past biennium and my time serving in the Vermont House representing Cambridge and Waterville. This has been a heavy role, as well as a rewarding experience. Looking to the future, I am pleased to share that I am seeking re-election to continue serving Waterville and Cambridge in the Vermont House.

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Year 2 Lucy Boyden Year 2 Lucy Boyden

The 2024 Legislative Session has Adjourned

On May 11 at about 2 a.m., Vermont’s General Assembly officially adjourned and brought the 2023-2024 biennium to a close. The last week was a whirlwind stretch to the end filled with ups, downs and last-minute amendments.

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Year 2 Lucy Boyden Year 2 Lucy Boyden

Natural Disaster Government Response & Open Meeting Law

We are heading into the homestretch of the legislative session. Within the policy committees, much of the focus has transitioned to bills of the opposite chamber. Within the House Committee Government Operations and Military Affairs, we have been spending time on two large and important Senate bills.

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Year 2 Lucy Boyden Year 2 Lucy Boyden

Advancing Bills Through Crossover

The Legislature has also moved past its crossover dates when bills must be voted out of committee and voted on the floor to move to the other chamber. Recently the House signaled its approval for many bills that came from the House Committee on Government Operations and Military Affairs.

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Year 2 Lucy Boyden Year 2 Lucy Boyden

2024 Town Meeting Report

We’re halfway through the 2024 legislative session! Our work on key priorities will continue and by working together with our communities, we can develop solutions that will improve all corners of Vermont.

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Year 2 Lucy Boyden Year 2 Lucy Boyden

The Legislature has reconvened for the 2024 session!

The Legislature has reconvened, and the second half of the biennium is underway. Within the first few weeks of the 2024 session, we heard the Governor’s State of the State Address, collectively introduced over 250 House bills, and began hearing testimony in committee to further develop policy priorities.

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Year 1 Lucy Boyden Year 1 Lucy Boyden

Summer of 2023 reveals Vermont’s resilience

Vermont’s summer of 2023 will be remembered for its rain and resilience. It has been two months since the state felt the effects of historic amounts of rain, flooding and devastation. As we shift from emergency responses to long-term solutions, the state’s priorities couldn’t be clearer.

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Year 1 Lucy Boyden Year 1 Lucy Boyden

2023 End of Session Report

The 2023 legislative session is adjourned! We’ve passed significant legislation this past session that advances critical policies in the areas of housing, child care, workforce development, and climate action. This report highlights much of the work completed by the legislature, however, many bills are still waiting to be signed into law by the Governor.

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Year 1 Lucy Boyden Year 1 Lucy Boyden

S.5 - Heat Transitions

With the end of the legislative session in sight, many bills are making their way to the Floor for final votes after elaborate testimony, committee deliberation, and public input. In the near future, S.5 will be presented to the House Floor.

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Year 1 Lucy Boyden Year 1 Lucy Boyden

Crossover signals legislative goals

This week the Legislature returned to the State House after not being in session during Town Meeting week so members could visit town meetings and connect with constituents within their districts. We’re halfway through the 2023 legislative session and we’ve passed some significant legislation in these first two months.

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Year 1 Lucy Boyden Year 1 Lucy Boyden

2023 Town Meeting Report

We’re halfway through the 2023 legislative session! We’ve passed some significant legislation in these first two months. Work on our key priorities will continue across the House and in collaboration with the Senate.

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Year 1 Lucy Boyden Year 1 Lucy Boyden

House looks at election changes

One committee bill that proposes miscellaneous changes to elections has recently gained attention in and outside of the Statehouse. This bill has gone through multiple drafts and has evolved after witness testimony, committee discussion, and deliberation.

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Year 1 Lucy Boyden Year 1 Lucy Boyden

Roll Call Votes & Sports Wagering

The Legislature has a new group of legislative pages, eighth-grade students who assist the day-to-day activities within the Statehouse. They joined us this week, which means we are about one-third of the way through the session.

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