The 2023 Legislative Session is Underway!

Committee rooms are humming with discussion, bills are being introduced, and the Statehouse is settling into its 2023 rhythm.

With official inaugural and ceremonial procedures past us, there is a lot of shared excitement and a sense of eagerness to get to work. So far, 52 bills have been introduced and referred to one of the 13 committees where legislators will examine the bills, hear testimony, make adjustments and recommend action to the House.

I have been enjoying being a member of the government operations and military affairs committee. Our committee covers a broad range of jurisdiction, ranging from the organization of governmental structures, liquor, lottery, military affairs and other similar topics. Most recently, the committee has been discussing H.42, a bill extending expiring authority for electronic public meetings and providing date and balloting flexibility for Town Meeting Day through July 1, 2024.

This bill unanimously passed out of committee and will be up for action on the House floor Tuesday, Jan. 17. Soon, our committee will switch gears to hear from the departments of liquor control and public safety and the Cannabis Control Board.

Additionally, I have joined the Rural Caucus, a non-partisan caucus chaired by Rep. Katherine Sims, Rep. Laura Sibilia, and Rep. Lisa Hango. The caucus has a collaborative focus on amplifying Vermont’s rural communities and economies. So far, this group is working on legislation surrounding rural administrative capacity and solutions to help communities move projects forward, as well as addressing the tremendous housing challenges across Vermont.

I look forward to publishing these reports on a biweekly basis. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out me. My legislative email is or you can leave me a message at the Sergeant at Arms Office at 802-828-2228. All legislative activity, committee agendas, meeting records and livestreams can be found on

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