Your Vote is Your Voice

A friendly reminder that this is your last weekend to vote by mail. If you're planning to vote by mail, make sure you get your ballots filled out and in the mail by this Monday, October 31.

Thank you to the many people within Cambridge and Waterville who have already voted! How government influences our everyday lives often depends on the officials we elect from our own backyards. So, if you're concerned about high speed internet, child care, our environment, any issue small or large, you must vote for those who you believe will best represent your interests.

I look forward to seeing those of you who plan to vote in person on Tuesday, November 8 at the Firestation in Cambridge from 7am-7pm and the Town Hall in Waterville from 10am-7pm.

Lucy Boyden


Thank You! 2022 State Representative Election Results


Diversity Within Our Government